

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) has said:

“During the third part of every night and on the night before Friday from the beginning (until the break of dawn) God sends an angel unto the sky of the earth in order to call: ‘Is there any needy who asks that I may bestow
upon him his need? Is there any repentant one that I may return to him? Is there any seeker of forgiveness that I may forgive him?’“


Islamic traditions teach that sleeping on the night before Friday is called
‘the regret sleep’; for, on the Reckoning Day, people will regret very much
that they had been asleep on the nights before Fridays. Because of that also, the muslims today always organized a tahlil or yassin ceremony in every mosque. Besides, some of muslims organized a tazkirah and hajat prayer after isya’.

Behar al-Anwar,
Volume 3, page 314

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