
Childish adult.

I had found so many times even usual, kind of people who always behave childish in social sites. Facebook is one of the social sites, which is now used by most of our adults today. Facebook is not only used by adults but also children. What makes me feels a bit of weird is, when children use facebook, they behave like mature while the adults, when use facebook, they behave like childish. I wonder if, this world has inversed and the upper part appears to be the lower part whereas the lower part appears to be the upper part. Hehe.

Moving on my own philosophy, which I want to uphold the truth and bring down the falsehood, I’d found so many people who only lived on the rail of falsehood. I don’t know why such these people prefer to live not accordingly even though the truthfulness has been proved to them obviously. I wonder if, such these stereotype people have been blinded by the satanic power. ;-)

Oops, surely the respected readers still can’t catch up what the matter I try to state on. Okay, the matter and the issue is, the childish of someone when rebutting the truth. Let me bring you to the more exact understanding. This is about the behaviour of someone when the truth were shown and proved in front of their bright eyes.

Facebook, other than its objective to find friends and make new friends, it is also for people to rebut each other about some facts and on certain issues. I myself, always rebut the falsehood facts brought by the people with lack of knowledge on what they want to object or stand on. Usually these are about mazhab, aqidah and politics.

On certain times, on related issues, I become quite dizzy when rebutting on these people. They accuse without bring the proofs. I become more frustrate as there are some people keep holding on the falsehood facts and make the facts as their stands. These are all ridiculous. No wonder Asians today are full with foolish and occupied by the unethical generation.

Before we close the curtain, I would like to show you this people who never stand on the true facts and continuously live on falsehood. He is also an agent of Mossad(an Israeli agent) who has been paid to break the ukhuwwah of Muslims and to make riot in Asia.

He is “Dalang-Dalang Peperangan” in his facebook’s profile. Try to search for him and then you will find so many statements that out of mind and all the statements are actually his efforts to break the Muslims’ ukhuwwah.

siapa ikut Ali...dia perlu bersedia menderita.

Maka benarlah sabda Nabi SAW bahawa, sesiapa yang mahu ikut Ali, maka dia perlu bersedia dengan kesusahan dan tentangan.

Begitulah kira-kiranya keadaan saudara kami, para pengikut mazhab Syiah Imamiyyah di kampus. Saban hari, ada saja peristiwa yang menyakitkan hati dan mata berlaku dihadapan para sahabat kami ini. Namun ini semua bukan dilakukan oleh orang yang jahil dalam agama, tetapi dilakukan oleh orang yang ada ilmu dalam agama.

Ini antara luahan hati seorang adinda saya di kampus di Kedah:

Bayangkanlah, para ahli sebuah persatuan Islam dalam kampus sanggup menentang kami habis-habisan. Kami diserang dengan pelbagai fitnah yang dilemparkan oleh individu-individu tersebut. Ada juga yang berkempen untuk menjatuhkan kalangan kami yang memimpin persatuan-persatuan dalam kampus. Ada juga cuba meminggirkan peranan kami dalam sesuatu organisasi. Ada yang cuba mengambil alih peranan kami secara tidak sah, malahan pelbagai lagi yang berlaku.

Inilah resam hidup seorang pencinta ahlulbayt dan pendokong mazhab ahlulbayt. Apapun, didoakan agar mereka-mereka yang masih ada rasa benci dan mahu diskriminasi kami, moga mendapat petunjuk Allah satu hari nanti. Ameen.


With my love to the reading substances especially on politics and religious reading materials, just recently, I found some books, which I expect most, that contain the references I wanted. Those who involve in Islamic movement in Malaysia in 1980-1990, surely knew and already well-informed about the publisher that I want to mention in this post.

G.G. EDAR, is a publisher that well-known amongst politician and ulama in Malaysia. G.G. EDAR is said typically bias to the Islamic Movement in Malaysia, PAS during that time. This publisher was said as owned by PAS and supported by PAS members. Any publishing made, surely will be bought by the PAS members and even in the books or magazines published by it, there must have a story or article about PAS and its leaderships.

The truths of the facts brought by this publisher were very hard to be denied. Even, there is nothing mistakes found on the facts brought by the books or magazines published by G.G. EDAR. PAS president who always been interviewed by G.G. EDAR always support and praise the efforts made by G.G. EDAR to create awareness and concern on people about the related matters during that time.

G.G. EDAR in 1990’s started to move down as there were some problems on publishing the reading materials for the use of people. G.G. EDAR was then missed, and now its name was infamously-known among Malaysian.

So, follow me on one of the famous magazines G.G. EDAR ever had with some interviews with PAS leaders on related matters. Insha allah. Coming soon….