
who do you can consult?

Imam 'Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) has said:

"He who consults with men of understanding, shows his development. .."

Behar al-Anwar,
Volume 75, page 105

From these holy words said by Imam Ali, we understand that, only Allah has a power of totally consulting humans. Even though some people were granted by Allah the sense of consult which can help people become calmer or relief, but it just for a short period time being. The truth is, only Allah we can ask for consult and get the calmness for a whole and a long period of time. Those who believe in Allah, do not have to worry if there are tribulations facing them.

Those who are hard to understand something, for instance in study or what else,they can put their hope towards Allah after they have put their effort in study. Insha Allah, Allah will give His consultation which have no limitation compare to human consultation.

Me myself, when hard to understand something, will go for iktikaf in Masjid or Musolla to ask from Allah for His consultation. No one can be as great as Allah in giving the consultation. the feeling of this only can be felt by those who sincerely and istiqamah in asking from Allah.

Iktikaf in Masjid also, make we become special as we are only the one who can interact with Allah on that peace and dark time. after we have cried and begged to Allah, we will feel the calmness that come spiritually to our heart. Insha Allah.


Anonymous said...

masha allah...Allah is the greatest....Praise be to God.

ummah protector said...

yes my brother.

Anonymous said...

Salamm.. adakah saudara berfahaman syiah?

salam ziarah

ummah protector said...

alaika salam aidhan.

kami berdua....UMMAH PROTECTOR dan PENABERDARAH tidak berpegang dan bergantung pada mana2 mazhab..kami berpegang kepada kesahihan hadis nabi saw. kami beramal berlandaskan hadis dan beragama berlandaskan nas yang sahih2 sahaja.

terima kasih atas ziarah pihak tuan.