





The weakness of Selangor Government!!!

On the 12th general election months ago, we have witnessed that the win of PR in Selangor, Perak, Kedah, and Pulau Pinang. We also witnessed that Pas manage to remain and defense Kelantan. Therefore, means that PR has managed to power five states in a time.

Of course, all the PR voters and supporters and even the members were really proud and satisfied with their hard work efforts and strategies. However, the situations at other states are different with Selangor. Selangor State Government not only the latest government to be organize but also the worst government if we want to differentiate in the form of management structure in village, district and even state levels. This is because, if we see through Selangor, we can catch that there is no change in PBT Ahli Majlis, members of committee of village, members of committee of Mosque or Surau and even there is no change in SUK office which all these sectors still use the BN members and supporters as the important committees in state government. Because that also, we can see that there are so many state government’s secrets and problems played by the internal people in the SUK office.

Besides, the remaining of chairmen in every part of posts in state government either in district level or even the SUK level will help the ex-state government’s leader to steal all the information and cases in SUK little by little to help them to free from any accusation in court.

The question now is, when will Tan Sri Khalid announce about the changing of this bad UMNO situation to a better look? The BN banners are still in everywhere and still got many of BN advertisement boards in towns and districts. This new Selangor are still the same as the old Selangor before.

The trademark of PR in Selangor “BERSAMA SELANGOR BARU” and “WE ARE FRIENDLY” are now remain as the trademark only as there are no any change and good treatment from the Selangor State to the people. The folks still treated with bad manners by the ADUN and the folks still live in bad condition. All the manifestos made by PR are only to sweet the people to vote for them.

My reminder to Tan Sri is, please change this bad behaviors of your government. Control your ADUN to not so arrogant and please care about the people’s heart.

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DAP and PKR ignored PAS in KLANG

The win of DAP for N.47, and P.110 and the win of PKR in N46 were actually helped by many PAS members. PAS members have worked hardly to ensure all the candidates from DAP and PKR win the election.

PAS Klang has donated money and energy to help DAP and PKR in Klang. But, as the retaliation from DAP and PKR, PAS did not get anything in Klang.

In addition, after Ronnie Liu (DAP) and the others candidates won the election, they ignored and neglected the PAS members in that area. These causes feel of unsighted towards the DAP YB, Ronnie Liu among the PAS members in Klang. All the PAS leaders in Klang who have organized so many programs for him and speak to the people about him are ignored and put aside while the “Taukeh” who only attends after he won was given a best treatment and so on. PAS members in Klang were thrown into the dustbin. Ronnie Liu was a nut forgotten its skin.

For Ronnie Liu, don't be so act. i think..u will lose in the next election if u keep constant with your manner and please change your behavior...


RONNIE LIU – a non appreciate leader

The winning of DAP in Parliament Klang and DUN Pandamaran have shown the real manners of Ronnie Liu towards the PAS members in Klang level. Ronnie Liu has been chosen to be an exco and because of that, he is now so rude and no manners towards the PAS members and leaders in Klang who have worked very hard to ensure the fallen of BN and the rise up of Barisan Rakyat. Before he wins the election, he was so good and respects the PAS members and leaders. But, sadly, after he won the election, with the help from PAS members who organized so many programs for him to describe to the Malay people about the fairness and justice of him. But, after he won, he has forgotten the goodness and the hardworking of PAS members during the election. The PAS members have done so many works for him, call great speakers from PAS and campaign to the people about him. The PAS leaders in Klang also have asked the Malay people to vote for Ronnie so that the BN will fall down. But, Ronnie never thinks all of that. He just thinks and mind about the taukeh who only work for him for money and the wealthness.

All the leaders and members of PAS who were ignored by Ronnie promised not to vote, work, and even campaign for Ronnie as they are now knew how bad Ronnie replies to them and threat them badly. Ronnie was really changed. He not friendly like during the time before he win. He just busy and minds about all the “tokey” that are only appear after the winning of him. The people who helped him before he won were neglected and ignored.


Monday, 5 May 2008-Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government today has decided to not carry out one of their manifestoes this time, that is, to lessen 20% of the door tax of houses in Selangor. Their reason is that the government still not ready to carry out that thing as the Selangor Government still not stable yet in economy aspect.

Hey..my people…just see what have they done to us after they got the air-conditioned office and comfortable place and chair. They just ignore and neglect us. Even, they treat us worse than the BN Selangor Government treated us before. I really regret to help them (PR) and vote for them at the last election. I am now felt very guilty for my hard work to ensure them to win.

Let see….since they got the power and mandate from the people and folks to administer this Selangor State, they just loafing around and playing truant from their responsibility which for them are supposed to go down to the field to meet the people to see what were suffered by the people. They just talking nonsense in their air-conditioned meeting room and enjoy drink hot coffee and some snacks.

Until now…there is no one of their promised manifestoes has been carried out. They said, the Selangor citizens have to wait until the budget of Selangor state was explained in Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor in 2009.

I promised, I will not vote or campaign for them for the next election if their promises are still not carries out.



carl lead,

BASTARD YOU JEWS!!!and some Arabians!!!

The most famous bastard, Jews had achieved to the highest level of wild boar. This is because of their actions killed the Palestinians without thinking either the persons are old or young and even the babies. The bastardies of Jews are not among their people only. Some of the foolishness Muslims also follows this. A big part from the fool Muslims are in Arab. This is because, the Arabian by their selves does not want to help or give an enough aid or support to their same race. In addition, they help and support Jews for killing their relatives in Palestine. They still eat in KFC, McD and so on. They still drink coca cola and Pepsi.

Do you all believe that they do not know about the rudeness of Jews in Palestine? These are all rumors. They already know about it. They know about how the Jews killed the Arabians in Palestine. However, they just pretend do not know and even some of them knew about it, they would still use the Jews product.

You just see, the Coca-Cola cans in Arabian country are so many and much more multiple as same as the McD restaurant compare to Asian country. I was so shocked as I saw so many Arabian still use Jews products even though at that time there is a show in TV that show about the deadness of children and babies who had been killed by the Jews Armies.

That’s way I said, BASTARD YOU JEWS AND SOME MUSLIMS!!!. I do not think the Muslims who use Jews products as a true Muslims even though they wearing a serban on her head. I do not think the Muslims who use Jews Product as a true Muslim even though they donate so much money to the people who needs (sadaqah).

For me, the Muslims who eat, drink, use and buy the Jews product are not true Muslims. They just pretend to be a Muslim to destroy Islam from internal.

And……ARE U ONE OF THEM????!!!

khalid islamboli,




DAP action to take the Deputy of Gerakan Leader to hold an important post in government sector and also hold an important post in a subsidiary company of Penang Island government was caused a non-satisfied feelings among the DAP’s and PKR’s state assembly members. They questioned about the action taken by the chief minister of Penang on how he could give such that important post to non-DAP member? Even the DAP and PKR members were ignored and thrown to rubbish and now the Chief Minister appointed and chose the non members of state assemblyman and also non member of DAP or PKR or even PAS.

This action which taken by Lim Guan Eng may be a point for him to be fall or collapse in next general election as the DAP’s members and PKR’s members do not satisfied with his action. Even so, a few of State Assembly members when asked and interviewed said that, Lim Guan Eng is given a time to think back about his action. He now notified to take back his words to choose the Gerakan member to hold a very important post in subsidiary company of Penang government.

Even though the post is already given to the Deputy of Gerakan Leader, Lim Guan Eng still have a choice to pull back that post and appoint either DAP or PKR or even PAS State Assembly Members to hold that important post.


Penubuhan Hizbullah yang bermula selepas penawanan Yahudi terhadap Palestin khususnya Masjidil Aqsa telah membangkitkan nafas dan semangat baru dalam kalangan pemuda-pemuda Islam yang benar-benar mahukan Islam dan minat terhadapnya khususnya para pemuda di Lubnan dan lebih khusus lagi di Selatan Lubnan. Kejayaan Hizbullah telah menaikkan darah semangat baru dalam hati dan jiwa anak-anak muda Lubnan baik yang beragama Islam mahupun yang beragama Kristian. Kedua-dua agama yang agak jauh bedanya namun berjaya disatukan oleh sebuah perjuangan gerakan Islam terkemuka dunia iaitu Hizbullah.

Hal inilah yang menimbulkan kebimbangan buat Yahudi kerana mereka tidak mahu orang ramai mengikut telunjuk Islam. Serangan yahudi yang berturut-turut selama 34 hari di Selatan Lubnan berjaya dipatahkan oleh tentera-tentera Parti Allah. Kali terakhir serangan Yahudi iaitu pada hari ke 34 peperangan antara Hizbullah dan tentera Zionis menyaksikan pihak Israel menghantar beberapa buah apache dan jet-jet canggih yang mengebom dan menurunkan para komando kelas pertama Yahudi,

Ramai penganalisis politik dan pemerhati dunia sudah hilang rasa terhadap Hizbullah kerana komando kelas pertama Yahudi merupakan kumpulan tentera elit yang dilatih rapi dan penuh kelengkapan senjata. Namun begitu, sebaik sahaja apache-apache zionis menurunkan para komando mereka di sebuah kawasan lapang di selatan Lubnan, bergemalah sekali lagi bumi Hizbullah itu dengan dentuman bom dan senjata api. Sekali lagi para pemerhati dunia terkejut besar sebaik sahaja menerima berita hangat itu. Sangkaan mereka bahawa Hizbullah akan ditewaskan pada hari ke 34 ini ternyata meleset.

Gambar dari klip video yang diambil dan dipetik oleh wartawan dunia menyaksikan para komando Yahudi yang terkenal dengan kebengisan dan keganasannya itu lari lintang pukang dan belum sempat mencecah rumput yang sudah kering kekuningan di kawasan lapang itu. Hal ini ternyata menimbulkan kekejutan dan kemarahan pemimpin utama Yahudi dan konconya dari negara-negara Arab dan Barat lain serta tidak ketinggalan dari negara-negara Asia. Tentera Hizbullah senantiasa bersiap siaga sama ada di dalam sungai, laut, hutan belantara mahupun di bawah timbunan semak dan rumah-rumah kosong.

Pada hari terakhir tersebut, ketika cuaca masih gelap dengan waktu sepertiga malam, apache-apache zionis dan jet-jet pejuang mereka lari sekaligus dan meninggalkan sebahagian senjata dan perkakas mereka yang tercicir ketika menarik semula tali helikopter yang berenjin senyap itu semasa hendak turun dari pesawat tersebut.

Hingga kini, masih menjadi misteri mengapa para komando itu beserta jet-jet pesawat yang lengkap dengan senjata-senjata canggih begitu cuak dan kecut sebaik sahaja mendengar laungan “HIZBULLAH” dan “LABBAIKA YA ALLAH”!!! “LABBAIKA YA NASRULLAH!!!”